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Are you happy with your Body or you’re just USED TO IT?

Can you believe that it’s June already?

You know what that means “SUMMER is here!!!

It’s the PERFECT time of year to take stock of your lifestyle and health habits and find out and to get really honest about whether or not you’re happy with how you look and feel!

This is about more than going on a crash diet to lose a few pounds, or look better in your swimsuit.

It’s about rediscovering yourself, regaining your self-confidence, and feeling FABULOUS!

Because here’s the thing: when you aren’t happy with how you look, it can affect every aspect of your life. It’s time to change that dynamic.

Take a look at the following statements and answer true or false to each:
  1. I find myself making excuses why I don’t have time to work out.
  2. I want to get back on track with my food choices and eat cleaner. But I need some new recipes and motivation!
  3. I find myself avoiding social situations because I’m uncomfortable with how I look.
  4. I’m tired and run-down more often than not.
  5. My goal is to feel stronger and healthier this summer.
  6. I have trouble with my willpower when it comes to making healthy choices for myself.
  7. I know I can be a better version of myself. I just need some guidance and a kick in the pants!
  8. I want to be more self-confident and start feeling better, NOW.


How did you do? 
If you answered “TRUE” to more than three or more of the above, I invite you to go HERE and schedule a FREE 27 Day Slim-Down session with me.
All you need to do is show up for our call and tell me what’s keeping you from becoming the best version of yourself, inside and out, tell me which statements above were true for you and we’ll discuss your first steps to kicking those obstacles to the curb, for good!
Give yourself permission to put yourself first and rediscover the person you were when you were at your most confident and healthy. 


Healthy Recipe: Bacon Fried Cabbage

Happy #MealPrepMonday replay is on!! Learn how lose that belly fat around the middle!
An easy, healthy, and delicious recipe for the ON-THE-GO you this week is the BACON FRIED CABBAGE.. Try it now!!
More recipes are up for grab here —- FREE COOKBOOK below!

Success is the sum of all small efforts repeated day in and day out

I’ve been thinking about you. Over the last couple of days, I have been reaching for the right words to help motivate you. A magic phrase that will finally resonate and help you see that today can be the day for you – an epiphany that changes it all.

But the truth is, while I can certainly provide inspiration, your life can’t change without your permission.

We’ve talked about this before but I’m not quite sure if you’ve really put the thought into this question: WHY do you want to lose the weight?

Do you know the answer to this? If you do, please share it with me because I want to know. REPLY here and tell me WHY you want to lose the weight. It’s such an important question but the answer will be your true motivator; it will be your purpose.

Once you identify your WHY, you’ll realize that losing weight isn’t difficult at all. It’s actually a simple math equation: Burn more calories than you consume. There you have it. Now, how you do that is a completely different story because that requires discipline and calculation and so much planning. It’s a commitment but, like with any challenging goal, the support of a team can be the difference between wanting and achieving.

And this is exactly why I decided to reach out to you today.

I have just FOUR MORE open spots in my Forever Fit Program (the name promises what it delivers – you’ll learn how to set small, attainable goals just by changing a few bad habits and you’ll actually keep the weight off.)

If you want one of those spots, hit reply to this email and let me know so we can see if this is a fit for you.

Your choices are simple: You can either make today be your day or you don’t.
Do you want my help to lose the weight once and for all?
If you want one of those spots, hit “reply” and grab your spot with me TODAY. If you’re not quite sure but want to hop on a call, schedule a time HERE. Whatever you decide, know that I’m here to support you.
Give yourself permission to change your life.

Once you identify your WHY, you’ll realize that losing weight isn’t difficult at all.

It’s actually a simple math equation: Burn more calories than you consume.
There you have it. Now, how you do that is a completely different story because that requires discipline and calculation and so much planning.

It’s a commitment but, like with any challenging goal, the support of a team can be the difference between wanting and achieving.

And this is exactly why I decided to reach out to you today.

I have just FOUR MORE open spots in my Forever Fit Program (the name promises what it delivers – you’ll learn how to set small, attainable goals just by changing a few bad habits and you’ll actually keep the weight off.)

If you want one of those spots, hit reply to this email and let me know so we can see if this is a fit for you.

Your choices are simple: You can either make today be your day or you don’t.
Do you want my help to lose the weight once and for all?
If you want one of those spots, hit “button” and grab your spot with me TODAY. If you’re not quite sure but want to hop on a call, schedule a time HERE. Whatever you decide, know that I’m here to support you.

Give yourself permission to change your life.


One Move Workout Squat Side Kicks


5 Hacks for Effective Home Workouts and How to Avoid Workout Injuries


Working out at home is one of the best ways to exercise on your own time! But what if you feel like you don’t have enough space, or distractions pile up, and let’s not forget the biggest excuse in the books, your lack of motivation!
Whatever it is that’s holding you back from working out at home, I want to break down that barrier for you. Why? Because a workout should be fun, convenient, and a no-brainer. And at-home workouts can be all of those things!
You can burn mega calories and build muscle, all in the comfort of your own home. I’m going to share with you 5 hacks to make sure your home workouts work for you and to make sure you never have to ask “do home workouts work?” again!

Healthy Recipe: Balsamic Keto Paleo Chicken & Veggie Kebab

Welcome to #MealPrepMonday and Why I love #HomeWorkouts down below! Learn the5 Hacks for Effective Home Workouts and How to Avoid Workout Injuries.
The recipe for this week is the BALSAMIC KETO PALEO CHICKEN AND VEGGIE KEBAB. Another easy, healthy, and delicious recipe for the ON-THE-GO you!!
More recipes are up for grab here —- FREE COOKBOOK below!



Can’t Lose The Weight Despite Your Success In Life

I was eating lunch the other day at a pretty ritzy spot here in LA and I noticed something that stopped me in my tracks.
Here we were, in a pretty expensive restaurant, surrounded by people who were clearly successful in their jobs (after all, they were in this place, wearing pretty expensive clothes and drinking the best wines) and yet a good portion of them were overweight. 
I see it all the time.
People who are so successful in their jobs or other areas of their lives, but struggle to lose the weight and keep it off.
Oftentimes, these folks are pretty great at the initial “lose the weight” phase, bit it’s the “keep it off” part that get’s them.
And then they beat themselves up for not being about to stick to a restrictive eating plan. They berate themselves for not having the discipline, or the strength to resist temptation.
And “balance” isn’t something they’re familiar with… They’re “all or nothing people. Especially when it comes to food!
Can you relate?
If you are one of the MANY high achievers that can’t seem to find “success” when it comes to losing the weight and keeping it off, take heart. 
Weight loss isn’t like the other “achievements” in our life. And we need a different approach.
We’ve got to retrain your brain and our body!
I’m opening up some spots to claim a free 30 minute session with me.

These calls are POWERFUL!

We go through the mindset and the HOW of retraining your brain for lasting weight loss!

This session is going to elevate you into the mindset that you are ALREADY THE THIN PERSON that you want to be.

The thin person that KNOWS what to eat and when to stop

The fit person that KNOWS you’re going to get your workout in! 

Of course you’re going to eat healthy and move often!!!!

It’s just a done deal baby.

If you’re ready to LIVE with this kind of confidence, grab your free session today and we’ll get starting retraining your brain for weight loss success!


Do these 5 things now to cut sugar and get slim for summer


Healthy Recipe: Pan Roasted Chicken & Veggies

Another special  #MealPrepMonday replay is here for you! I received a special request this week so we are going to talk about “THINNER THIGHS + Meal Prep” down below!
The recipe for this week is the PAN ROASTED CHICKEN AND VEGGIES. Easy recipe to follow, healthy and delicious!
More recipes are up for grab here —- FREE COOKBOOK below!



Does emotional eating controlling you?

I was just thinking about you!
You and I have probably crossed paths with “Emotional Eating” in one of the lowest points of our lives.
Emotional eating means you’re in a fight against how you’re feeling instead of stepping back, tuning in, and working WITH your emotions.
No amount of food will soothe feelings of sadness, frustration or anger. 
You’ll get momentary food induced euphoria, only to feel worse because you’ve let yourself down and sabotaged your weight loss efforts….. again.


These simple actions will help you develop the consistency and accountability you need to reach your health and fitness goals.

1. Grab a notebook or journal and start recording your vision of what an ideal routine would look like. What time you want to wake up, which meals you have planned for the day, exercises scheduled, etc. Developing this habit is the first step to establishing consistency.

2. Print a calendar or draw one on a chalkboard or whiteboard. Each day you follow-through with your set schedule, give yourself a star. 🙂

3. Recruit a friend. Goals are best when followed in pairs or groups, so buddy up and encourage your friends to start their new healthy routines.

4. Schedule your FREE accountability call with me NOW. I have a few spots left, so CLICK HERE and let’s talk ASAP. I’d love to discuss your short-term goals, as well as your overall vision for 2017. I’m here to help in any way that I can, so CLICK HERE and we’ll chat this week.

5. Join our FREE Facebook Community for daily support and accountability. We’re all in this together, so let’s post daily on our progress and help to encourage and motivate one another.

I want you to take a moment to really think about your health and fitness goals. Close your eyes and picture yourself at your ideal weight. Now, we’re going to work backwards and set some tangible goals to help you achieve that end result you’re envisioning.

This should be fun – I’m excited.


What did you give up?

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