I know you might not believe this, but used to struggle with my body. My metabolism was broken, my mindset was broken, and I honestly felt like my body was the enemy!
Why wouldn’t it just do what I wanted it to do!?
I was always tired and frustrated. I’ll never forget the week’s before summer, sweating it out and just willing the scale to move by June.
Then I figured out the system to get my body on track so I could always be confident, healthy, and thrilled that my skinny jeans would fit. Better yet, I was nourishing my body with quality, whole foods in the right portions, and it was thanking me like crazy! Having the energy to live the lifestyle I want is a huge change from what I was doing before.
(And the truth is, I don’t ever want to go back to that! The rewards are so great, that I probably never will!)
So why am I telling you this? Because I want YOU to have that same experience.