Managing emotions is not only incredibly important in our personal lives, but in our professional ones as well.

Leaders who are able to understand and manage their own emotions as well as the emotions of others are better equipped to achieve success.

A study found that 90% of top performers have high EQs, while just 20% of low performers do.

So, what does this mean for you?

If you want to be a top performer in your field, you need to work on your EQ!

Luckily, emotional intelligence is something that can be learned and developed over time.



Here are some tips on how to improve your EQ:

Tip #1: Be Aware Of Your Emotions

Awareness is the first step in managing your emotions. You can’t manage what you’re not aware of. Start paying attention to how you feel in different situations. What makes you feel happy? Sad? Anxious? Jealous? Proud?

As you become more aware of your emotions, you’ll also start to notice patterns. Do you always get anxious before presentations? Do you get jealous when your colleagues get promoted? Do you get angry when you feel like you’re not being heard?

Once you start to notice these patterns, you can start to find ways to cope with them or even prevent them altogether.


Tip #2: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You

It’s natural to feel emotional from time to time, but it’s important that you don’t let your emotions control you. When we get caught up in our emotions, we make decisions based on how we feel instead of what we know is right. This can lead to all sorts of problems both professionally and personally.

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re feeling emotional, take a step back and breathe. Once you’ve calmed down, evaluate the situation logically and make a decision based on what will produce the best results instead of what will satisfy your emotional needs in the moment.


Tip #3: Communicate Clearly And Assertively 

One of the most important skills for managing emotions is communication. When we communicate clearly and assertively, we are able to express our needs without making other people feel defensive or threatened. This helps us build relationships based on trust and mutual respect—relationships that are essential for both our personal and professional lives.

Some people avoid conflict at all costs because they don’t know how to handle it properly. But learning how to communicate assertively will help reduce conflict in your life and improve the quality of your relationships both at home and at work.


Tip #4: Manage Stress Effectively

Stress is a normal part of life, but too much stress can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health—and our emotional intelligence. When we’re stressed, we tend to react emotionally instead of logically, which can lead to problems at work, at home, and in our relationships. Learning how to manage stress effectively will help improve your EQ by teaching you how to react more calmly and logically in stressful situations.


Follow these tips as they will help you increase your success at work and in your personal life!



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