When it comes to your life and health, are you in charge or do you feel like uncertainty and stress took away your work/life balance and health & fitness routine?

Do you wake up daily operating optimally like a Rolls Royce, or do you feel tired, stressed, and ready for coffee? Or do you know you can do better as a leader in the way you look, move, act, and the way you feel?

A Rolls-Royce Phantom is hand-made and requires precision detail and design. Your life, body & health need to be custom designed too. Running a company takes unstoppable stamina strength and energy.

When you’re a fit leader you rule like a lion! 🦁

To be an effective leader, you must lead yourself first.

Leadership is all about performance.

We’ve all been in the midst of a setback at some point during the last two years!

Now is the time as a leader to turn a setback into a setup for something greater! It’s time to bounce back better and roar like a lion.


Here are 5 Reasons You Need To Be Fit To Rule In Disruptive Times and How To Get Started.



1 – Lead a company with increased energy

The connection between fitness and leadership goes back to when “fit to lead” meant that a person was physically fit enough to lead a community.

Running a company takes a lot of energy.

Look at fit CEOS Like Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. While you may be able to come up with impressive excuses to not work out every morning, or blame it on lack of time, they fight back time and make sure they remain fit!

As a great leader, you understand that to be operating at your best, you must optimize your physical and mental fitness.

Fitness has been proven to increase energy and productivity! This helps you face the challenges that we’re all facing with confidence.


2 – Lead a company with increased cognitive ability

Studies proved that even moderate levels of exercise increase cognitive ability and will help you make better decisions and come up with creative business strategies in disruptive times.

Being physically fit increases mental stamina and endurance which makes you an effective leader in times of uncertainty!


3 – Lead a company with increased Resilience to Stress

Being fit helps you perform under stress and increase resilience in the ‘new normal’.

When you are feeling stressed in uncertain times, fitness gives you a push to keep going.

By gradually increasing the intensity of the cardio or the weights you’re lifting you push yourself outside of your comfort zone and by pushing your limits you will build your resilience muscle.


4 – Lead by example

As a healthy and disciplined leader, you inspire your team to be healthy and more energetic. This increases the overall productivity of your company.

Your team is more likely to be disciplined and less likely to get sick which decreases healthcare costs.


5 –  Increase your performance and success

Being fit to lead is actually integral to your success.

So how do you keep yourself fit and healthy? You probably already know the answer to that. Drink more water, eat healthier food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.

This week’s challenge is to take action.

For the next month, pick one new habit you’ll commit to doing to improve your physical fitness and make it something you can easily integrate into your life.

For example, you can decide to go to bed 30 minutes earlier every night. Or bring a healthy lunch to work rather than eating out or ordering takeout. Or take the stairs rather than the elevator and park further away from your destination.

I challenge you to take this new action every day for a month. Pay attention to the difference it makes in performance and how you feel.

At the end of the month, pick another new habit to commit to, stacking on top of the last one. This is called habit stacking.

Remember success is less about luck and more about practice.

Your greatness isn’t born, you can build it!

High-performance can be created. Fit Executives are effective and successful executives

For more information on being a high performer in all areas of your life message me!



📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute Stuck to Unstoppable Strategy Call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. →  https://vip.lisagfitness.com/




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