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Goals Health & Fitness Leadership

Making New Year’s Resolutions That Last

As we turn the calendar to start a new year, many of us make resolutions.

We want to improve ourselves in some way—whether it’s health and fitness, growing our business, achieving another milestone in your career, or any other goals.

Unfortunately, many of us fail to stick to these goals due to a lack of commitment, focus, or dedication.

And when it comes to health and fitness specifically, busy executives such as yourself are especially prone to putting their own wellbeing on the back burner


I understand that it can be difficult for you given all of your responsibilities—but when neglecting your health and wellness becomes habitual, that leads to serious long-term consequences that you don’t want to experience.

A great life isn’t just about working hard—it’s about feeling strong and energized enough to truly enjoy those successes!

When you’re healthy and fit, you’ll have the energy and stamina necessary for tackling even bigger projects with greater success

So this New Year’s resolution season, I’m here to encourage you not only to set realistic goals for yourself but also hold yourself accountable for reaching them—because improving your health is worth it!


Here are a few tips that can help you stay committed:


1. Break down your goal into smaller parts

Setting one large goal can seem insurmountable at times which can cause you give up easily. To counter this problem break down your main goal into smaller parts which will be easier for you achieve but still help move towards your main aim in time. For example instead of aiming for running 5Km in one go set a weekly target like running 500m without getting tired in first week then 1000m in second week and so on till 5Km gets achieved at the end of 8th week. This incremental approach will make things easier for you mentally as well as physically.

2. Set reminders

Once you have identified what steps need taken try setting reminders on your phone or email where ever applicable so that things don’t slip away from memory easily thus making sure nothing is missed out inadvertently keeping progress on track.

3. Track progress

Tracking progress helps keep motivation levels up high specially when going through tough times since visible proof is often required during such moments as well as providing perspective on how much has already been achieved encouraging individuals to keep pushing forward.

4. Reward yourself

Make sure reward yourself every time something is achieved related to goal no matter how small it may appear staying focused on the ultimate prize while enjoying small wins along the way keeps spirits high.

5. Have an accountability partner

Having someone who will make sure that everything is kept track off properly helps a lot specially when willpower starts wavering having an accountability partner ensures right decisions are made under pressure proving quite useful during critical periods

As an executive or business owner wanting to reach greater heights I’m sure physical wellbeing is just as important as mental acuity – if not more so!

You owe it to yourself – and those around you -to take care of your body so that life can be enjoyed wholeheartedly without fear of fatigue or burn out standing in its way.

So this New Year let us resolve together by taking simple yet effective steps towards our desired goals making 2023 a completely different year than 2022!



Unleash Your Potential and Dominate 2023 with High Performance!


🎁 Give yourself the gift of High Performance & Unstoppable Energy this new year. When you sign up for coaching right now, you will receive a dedicated one-on-one time with me that will help you get to the next level.


Start dominating high performance today!




📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute Stuck to Unstoppable Strategy Call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. → https://vip.lisagfitness.com



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The Secret to Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick


With the start of each new year comes a wave of resolutions.

I hope you’re on your way to crushing it and getting closer to making your goals and dreams a reality.

But the reality is that only about 9% of people end up following through with their New Year’s resolutions

which means the other 91% of people who set out to level up by creating new goals for 2023 end up back where they were, get distracted by February, and give up.

We all may have good intentions, but at the same time, we struggle to stick with these resolutions for more than a few weeks.

But what if you could make your resolutions stick?

Let’s explore how you can commit to your resolutions and make sure that 2023 is your best year yet!



Get the right strategic plan in place with accountability to make sure you don’t get sidetracked!

When it comes to achieving success, all the top leaders and athletes know that accountability and support are game changers.

Hiring a coach will help you stay motivated and on track when things get tough. An accountability partner or coach can hold your feet to the fire to hit your goals and give you honest feedback when things become difficult.

Plus, having someone regularly check in with you will keep you motivated and remind you why it’s important for you to follow through with your commitments. This will make sure that you stay focused and committed to your resolutions.

Push for Longevity and Health

Finally, if you want to enjoy the rewards of all your hard work this year, make sure that you are taking care of yourself both mentally and physically.

Achieving success isn’t just about reaching specific goals; it’s about pushing for long-term health as well as longevity in terms of both physical health and mental wellbeing.

So be sure that whatever resolution activities you choose are working towards creating a healthier lifestyle overall, not just short-term solutions that may cause more harm than good over time.



In summary, making sure that 2023 is your best year yet starts by committing yourself fully towards achieving those New Year’s resolutions! Hiring an accountability partner or coach, and pushing for longevity and health are all essential steps in making sure that we not only reach our goals this year but also stay committed throughout our journey towards success!


Are you looking to make a lasting change this year and create the business and life you desire?

Don’t wait any longer—start taking steps today towards making 2023 an incredible year filled with growth and achievement!


Unleash Your Potential and Dominate 2023 with High Performance!


🎁 Give yourself the gift of High Performance & Unstoppable Energy this new year. When you sign up for coaching right now, you will receive a dedicated one-on-one time with me that will help you get to the next level.


Start dominating high performance today!


📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute Stuck to Unstoppable Strategy Call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. → https://vip.lisagfitness.com



📌 Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you won’t miss out on any newly released videos. Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll be notified when there are new uploads or if there’s a replay available. → http://bit.ly/LisaGChannel




5 Tips To Smash Your 2022 Goals

Make 2022 your best year with 5 science-based hacks to trick your brain into helping you become the person you want to be.

Let’s make this year different so that you don’t give up on your resolutions!

Here are 5 hacks to trick your brain into helping you accomplish your goals:



Hack #1 According to Inc. magazine, step one is to acknowledge that it is fantastic that you want to make a change, but first, you must also acknowledge that it will be difficult to permanently change your behavior.  There will be work involved in crushing a great goal.

Perseverance and hard work will be required.

Setbacks will be part of the process, every successful person has failed more than once; that’s one reason they’re successful today. I know I have let me know if you agree, For example, Elon Musk has failed, many times — and has overcome big setbacks.

It’s important to understand that challenges, roadblocks, and setbacks will be part of the process.

The magic formula to actually achieving big goals is having an expert guide you along the bumpy road. The science proves that when you start by expecting, to fail sometimes it will be easier for you to keep going when times actually do get tough that’s part of the process!

When you work with me I’ll help you to achieve your big goals with accountability, because the process works when you bring the mental toughness required


Hack #2 Step two according to psychology today is to turn the goal into a habit by linking it to other habits you already do automatically.

Let’s start with assuming that you brush your teeth every night before bed, but your goal is you want to start using a water pick or start a bedtime yoga or meditation practice.  In this example, brushing your teeth is the habit, and using your water pick or bedtime yoga and meditation is the goal.

A recent study found that habits and goals are stored differently in the brain. There is a region responsible for converting goals into habits.

The best way to get your goal to become a habit is by being consistent. Work toward your goal every day, even if you don’t feel like it. You need to set aside a specific time each day, or a specific context. For example, you can do your bedtime yoga stretches, meditation or water every day at  9 p.m, or immediately after brushing your teeth. The more consistent the behavior, the more easily your brain can convert it into a habit.


Hack #3 You need to change your environment.

Sometimes a fresh environment is all you need to kick your brain into gear.  Scientists discovered that a new location makes you more likely to change your habits.

Environmental cues are essential when it comes to forming habits. For example, if you like to snack while watching a movie it can be hard to resist the popcorn even if you’re not hungry.

Instead of giving up on your goals, take a look at your surroundings:  Try sitting in a different chair or location next time you watch TV.


Hack #4 Use dopamine to your advantage.

Dopamine acts as a motivator, creating a sensation of pleasure when your brain is stimulated by achievement, when you get something you want—like a promotion or a kiss your brain releases dopamine. This chemical is often known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter.

You can manipulate your dopamine levels by setting small goals and then accomplishing them. For example, your brain may receive a spike in dopamine if you promise yourself that you’ll clean out your desk, and then you do it.  Dopamine is also involved in maintaining attention

and plays a key role in keeping you focused on your goals and motivating you to attain them,  You feel good when you work towards and achieve your small and big goals. The satisfaction of completing a small task is linked with a flood of dopamine. Each time your brain feels this rewarding neurotransmitter, it will want you to repeat the associated behavior.

The next time you want to accomplish a big goal, try to break it down into smaller, dopamine-friendly chunks. If you want to work out every day, check off each day that workout on your calendar.


Hack #5 Studies found that another good way to accomplish your goal is to avoid telling other people about them, because letting other people know what you’re up to can give you a premature sense of accomplishing it.

Instead find a way to gamify it, or turn your goals into a competition. Bet on your success this year, setting goals pushes you to invest in them as if you’d already accomplished it. this sets up conditions that drive you to work towards your goal.

This is a great way to fight off the excuses like I’m too busy, I don’t want to spend the money or it isn’t the right time.


When it comes to accomplishing your goals, don’t listen to excuses telling you there’s always something standing in your way, such as money, work, or finding the time. With these Hacks and proper support and accountability, it is possible to push through and feel the dopamine buzz.

Stay consistent, change your environment. You can change your behavior this year. The hardest rep in the gym is always opening the door so just start now. Stephen King  said: “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration—the rest of us just get up and go to work.”


📌 Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you won’t miss out on any newly released videos. Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll be notified when there are new uploads or if there’s a replay available. → http://bit.ly/LisaGChannel


📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute health blueprint call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. →  https://bit.ly/3D22iGA



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