Maybe you’ve pictured yourself walking into a room in that new dress that hugs your body perfectly! And all heads turn!
Or maybe you’ve pictured yourself laying in bed with the man of your dreams and hearing whisper, “You’re so beautiful!”
Who DOESN’T want all that!?!?!
So why are you waiting?It’s time to put yourself first and take your health goals seriously!
Together we’ll take a holistic approach to losing weight, and to creating a lifestyle and mindset that ensure you’ll not only lose the weight, you’ll keep it off… FOR GOOD!!!! Because this isn’t about dieting, it’s about YOU!!!
Phase 1: Laying the Foundation:
- Determine your starting point and your readiness for change (Don’t feel 100% ready? Don’t worry! I’ll meet you where you are and guide you on your path).
- Disarm the negative voice in your head that’s been sabotaging your weight loss efforts and holding you back in all areas of your life.
- Set yourself up for a series of small (but essential) victories that will create the momentum you need to complete and sustain your weight loss goals!
- Identify and eliminate perfectionism because none of us are perfect, and beating ourselves up for not being so is a recipe for disaster. It’s perfectionism that leads to weight gain and poor self-esteem. So we’ll kick it to the curb!
- Identify and eliminate blocks and create the mindset needed to lose weight and feel amazing for your whole life.
- Create quick and easy rituals that jump-start your metabolism and energy every single day for maximum results.
- Create and follow a real-food plan designed to make healthy eating simple, and automatic (without being based on sacrifice or requiring ingredients that no real kitchen actually has!)
- Help you become a mindful eater so you can stop eating when you’re physically satisfied and establish healthy portion control. You’ll learn your own “body language”- the messages your body sends and how to interpret them.
- Learn how to identify the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
- Choose the right exercise plan for you that fits into your busy schedule.
- STOP thinking you need to spend hours at the gym. You’ll be shocked at how easy this really is and how little is actually required.
- Implement a fun and do-able exercise plan that you’ll actually stick to! This is about designing a plan that doesn’t feel like work and is a seamless addition to your current schedule and lifestyle.
- Dive deep to uncover the root causes of emotional eating and diet “relapse.”
- Incorporate planned indulgences into your otherwise healthy diet, instead of depriving yourself (which we all know doesn’t work long-term).
- Get into your grocery groove! Ensuring that your shopping habits don’t get in the way of your weight loss.
- Phase 6: Living in Your Dream Bod!
- Identify the people in your life that will support you in maintaining your new, healthy, and empowered life!
- Implement follow-through strategies to support you in all aspects of your life.
To health, to wellness, to a longer life!
Lisa Goldenthal
(310) 991-0801