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Happiness Stress Management

How To Hack Happiness To Manage Stress



While we can’t control all of the factors that are causing stress these days, it’s important to have ways to boost your mood and be happier.


With your hectic schedules and the pandemic, many of us have experienced anxiety and trauma.


I know I have…


As a high-performance coach for executives, each week I bring you tips to give you the edge with fitness, mindset, and nutrition strategies.


You need self-leadership in these times of uncertainty.


Here are 5 science-backed hacks you can take to change your outlook and feel less overwhelmed so that you can be happier.






Hack #1: Stay connected

Healthy relationships can help us face our challenges and celebrate our wins.


It’s important to make time for your friends, maintain a sense of humor, and work on having good communication and conflict resolution skills.



Hack #2: Make room for the things that you enjoy

With so many stressful things in your schedule, it’s important to make room for activities that make you happy!


This can be challenging, but definitely not impossible.


I am making time to ski and hike this winter because being in the mountains makes me happier.


What fun activities you can schedule that makes you happy?



Hack #3: Get help when you need it

Can you delegate some of your tasks?


Can you ask for support from friends or a professional?


This can make a big difference in how you feel. Reach out to your network for support, whether it’s a colleague, friend, family member, or a coach.



Hack #4: Make self-care & meditation a priority to decrease stress levels

Breathing, getting enough sleep, and meditation are simple daily routines to manage stress.


All leadership begins with self-leadership. By not giving your body and mind enough rest you can weaken your power to deal with stress.


Meditation and deep breathing can help you to relax, reducing your tension and stress. I do this daily. Let me know in the comments if you have meditation and breathing practice.




Hack #5: Cut down on Energy Drains

Making a schedule with distractions such as phones, computers and TV is important in managing happiness and stress.


With our virtual presence being so important these days, having boundaries around the times when you use these distractions is key so that you use technology and not the other way around!


I took time away from my phone over the weekend and don’t look at it until I have done my morning routine including meditation.


This also helps you to remain focused on your goals.


Do you have systems in place to manage distractions and stay focused?



BONUS HACK: Regular exercise


Last but not least and an obvious option of my ways to be happier is regular exercise.

This is my favorite mood booster to help decrease the production of stress hormones, such as cortisol!

The bottom line is that health is your wealth. Maintaining your physical health and nutrition is key to the high energy levels required to lead.



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📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute health blueprint call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. →  https://bit.ly/3D22iGA



High Performance Self-Care & Self-Love

6 Skills to Becoming the Best Version of Yourself


Being a great leader requires many traits, including being organized, having great communication skills, and tons of energy.

There is a link between wellness and leadership!

Self-leadership is all about leading yourself to become the master of your life.

You need self-leadership in these times of uncertainty because great leadership requires self-development, self-awareness and lots of energy.

Maintaining your physical health and nutrition is step one for the high energy levels required to lead.
This will help you to tackle difficult situations with strength, grit and stamina.

Let’s jump in with my six skills to becoming the best version of yourself!




Skill #1 — Self-discipline

Discipline in fitness and life isn’t tied to what you feel like doing.

I went for a workout yesterday even though I didn’t feel like it.

I did it because I made a commitment.

Keeping your word to yourself to do the things you said you would do, even when you don’t feel like it matters in all areas of your life, not just business!

You need to pay attention to your nutrition in order to achieve peak performance.


Skill #2 — Good habits

This skill is backed by science and practiced by millionaires and billionaires like Oprah and Jack Dorsey.

Fit leadership starts with locking in your morning with good habits. This actually starts the night before by getting to bed early enough and not hitting the wine too hard!

Goal stacking in the morning with positive habits helps build momentum for a productive day.

Four of my millionaire morning suggestions are drinking water and exercising to stay energized.

Setting time to clear your head with meditation. Practice 7-7-7 breathing — inhale for seven, hold for 7, and exhale for 7.

Before you jump into your phone or workday, do this to start your day off on the right high-energy note and to boost your mood.

Planing your morning and your meals sets you up to be successful for the rest of the day especially with the fast pace that’s required of you as a leader!

Good habit stacking is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle and self-leadership to stay aligned with your goals.


Skill #3 — Self-awareness

True power Lies In Knowing Yourself

This helps you lead in these uncertain times.

Knowing your values, beliefs, and having good habits influence your decision-making abilities!


Skill #4 — Self-confidence

As a leader, having a strong belief in your abilities and strengths is important. And by being fit, it increases your confidence level.


Skill #5 — Have SMART Goals

Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

Having smart goals gives you a vision and targets that you can put on a timeline.

Tracking your performance and achievement is important to give you a sense of fulfillment and motivate you to work even harder at your goals.

Setting smart goals can help you monitor your fitness progress, which is essential when you are trying to develop new healthy habits or simply trying to achieve any goal.


Skill #6 — Be prepared for self-sabotage

Self-sabotaging plays a role in resisting growth and failed resolutions.

I know I’ve been there but I keep going!

You must also be prepared for the challenges that come up.

Having a solid plan and following the plan helps you cope with resistance to stay on track to reach your goals because New Year’s resolutions don’t last, but sticking to a plan does!

Self-mastery,  includes not being too hard on yourself when you slip up, rewarding yourself for your accomplishments, and accepting that failure is part of the plan—forgive yourself and keep going when you fail so that you feel motivated to do better.


I’ll leave you with this great MLK quote

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”


Being an effective leader involves getting yourself in peak performance.

Remember: Health is Wealth!

With your fast-paced life as a leader, fitness and nutrition can be hard to maintain. Imagine having more energy at work – and on the weekends.

To discover the keys to sticking with new habits – used by top CEOs and knowing exactly how to achieve your goals. Message me at lisag@lisagfit.com

Thanks for being here!

Don’t forget to comment, like and share and I’ll see you soon!



📌 Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you won’t miss out on any newly released videos. Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll be notified when there are new uploads or if there’s a replay available. → http://bit.ly/LisaGChannel




📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute health blueprint call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. →  https://bit.ly/3D22iGA





Weight Loss & Diet

Why Diets Don’t Work and What Does



If you want to lose weight, you’re not alone.

About  2 out of every 5 people are trying to shed pounds. If you’re a chronic dieter it’s likely that you’ve used food to feel better and have lost and gained the same weight over and over again but the good news is it doesn’t have to be that way!

I know this because I’ve been there myself on the yo-yo diet bandwagon because my eating and drinking habits were sabotaging my hard work in the gym, but today I no longer struggle and I learned how to retrain my mind to eat like a naturally thin person and I want that for you too.

With at least half of us on a diet and the diet industry being a 78 billion dollar industry… here’s the thing diets don’t work.

95% of them will fail, 97 percent of dieters regain everything they lost and then some within three years, while slowing down your metabolism.

If you’re addicted to food it’s harder to overcome than any other addictions, because you can completely eliminate cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs from your life but you can’t eliminate food.

If you find yourself unconsciously reaching for food, when you feel stressed, angry, or sad you need to get to the root of why you are numbing out with food in order to stop yo-yo dieting, If you don’t have the right system for weight loss, you will have to work ten times harder.

Here are three steps to help you lose the weight and keep it off!


Step one is you need to think through exactly why you’re trying to lose weight — this will help you focus on your goal throughout your journey.

Before you get started focus on this:

Why do you want to lose weight?

Next, check your mindset. Are you prepared to have the mental toughness required to do what it takes? A bulletproof mindset is required.

After that, you need to check your limiting beliefs. If you’re telling yourself you deserve a treat ask yourself what is the payoff?

Here are just a few of the excuses I’ve heard:

It’s my genetics

I always gain weight over the holidays

I’m always going to be overweight because I love food 

If I paid for it I have to eat it

I’m a chocoholic

Everything I eat turns to fat

I’ve been fat my whole life

I’m just not built thin?

The next step is you have to check your values: can you set your mind on something and give it full focus?

In order to do this, you’ll need first get to a really compelling reason why you want to lose weight and be healthy this real driving purpose will keep you going on the days you really don’t feel like it.


Step two, there are studies of people that lost over thirty pounds and kept it off found that they had these things in common, they exercise daily. They weighed themselves regularly, drank water, and watched less than 10 hours of TV a week.


Step three is you then need to learn the weight mastery techniques to train your mind to eat like a naturally thin person so that you can enjoy food without the struggle.

Here’s how to get started:

Before you eat first ask yourself…

1. Am I hungry

2. If not? why am I eating this food

3. Am I eating because I’m hungry, sad or stressed?

4. Dig a bit deeper to identify if you’re hungry or just want to numb out from something that’s bothering you?

We need to get to the bottom of why you eat when you’re not hungry.

Ask yourself these hard questions. If you’re eating from stress and not from hunger you might be able to track this back to your childhood.

You can’t substitute food for love. If you had emotionally or physically abusive parents, you need to realize that food is not love, a celebration, or a reward. You might even be subconsciously using extra weight as armor to protect yourself.

When you learn to gain mastery over food addictions and learn to eat and think like a naturally thin person you will learn how to only eat food to nourish your body.

When you learn to train your mind to eat when you’re hungry you’ll realize that nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.

To transcend this programming you won’t be able to white knuckle this with willpower

First, you must acknowledge the truth that eating too much is how you got here and next you need to love yourself the way you are.

You also need to be on the lookout for saboteurs like food pushers

Get support and start to train your mind to hear when your old limiting beliefs come up and this will help you to achieve weight mastery.

Accountability and support will help you strengthen your commitment and resolve and make sure it’s somebody that will be truthful with you and not take any of your excuses.

And finally, be patient with yourself. You won’t be able to lose 50 pounds and master a lifetime of dieting in one week, but if you try to improve 1% a day you’ll be well on your way to eating like a weight-mastered person and end the yo-yo dieting for good.


If you’re serious about getting started, reach out to me I can help!



📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute health blueprint call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. →  https://bit.ly/3D22iGA



📌 Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you won’t miss out on any newly released videos. Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll be notified when there are new uploads or if there’s a replay available. → http://bit.ly/LisaGChannel






5 Tips To Smash Your 2022 Goals

Make 2022 your best year with 5 science-based hacks to trick your brain into helping you become the person you want to be.

Let’s make this year different so that you don’t give up on your resolutions!

Here are 5 hacks to trick your brain into helping you accomplish your goals:



Hack #1 According to Inc. magazine, step one is to acknowledge that it is fantastic that you want to make a change, but first, you must also acknowledge that it will be difficult to permanently change your behavior.  There will be work involved in crushing a great goal.

Perseverance and hard work will be required.

Setbacks will be part of the process, every successful person has failed more than once; that’s one reason they’re successful today. I know I have let me know if you agree, For example, Elon Musk has failed, many times — and has overcome big setbacks.

It’s important to understand that challenges, roadblocks, and setbacks will be part of the process.

The magic formula to actually achieving big goals is having an expert guide you along the bumpy road. The science proves that when you start by expecting, to fail sometimes it will be easier for you to keep going when times actually do get tough that’s part of the process!

When you work with me I’ll help you to achieve your big goals with accountability, because the process works when you bring the mental toughness required


Hack #2 Step two according to psychology today is to turn the goal into a habit by linking it to other habits you already do automatically.

Let’s start with assuming that you brush your teeth every night before bed, but your goal is you want to start using a water pick or start a bedtime yoga or meditation practice.  In this example, brushing your teeth is the habit, and using your water pick or bedtime yoga and meditation is the goal.

A recent study found that habits and goals are stored differently in the brain. There is a region responsible for converting goals into habits.

The best way to get your goal to become a habit is by being consistent. Work toward your goal every day, even if you don’t feel like it. You need to set aside a specific time each day, or a specific context. For example, you can do your bedtime yoga stretches, meditation or water every day at  9 p.m, or immediately after brushing your teeth. The more consistent the behavior, the more easily your brain can convert it into a habit.


Hack #3 You need to change your environment.

Sometimes a fresh environment is all you need to kick your brain into gear.  Scientists discovered that a new location makes you more likely to change your habits.

Environmental cues are essential when it comes to forming habits. For example, if you like to snack while watching a movie it can be hard to resist the popcorn even if you’re not hungry.

Instead of giving up on your goals, take a look at your surroundings:  Try sitting in a different chair or location next time you watch TV.


Hack #4 Use dopamine to your advantage.

Dopamine acts as a motivator, creating a sensation of pleasure when your brain is stimulated by achievement, when you get something you want—like a promotion or a kiss your brain releases dopamine. This chemical is often known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter.

You can manipulate your dopamine levels by setting small goals and then accomplishing them. For example, your brain may receive a spike in dopamine if you promise yourself that you’ll clean out your desk, and then you do it.  Dopamine is also involved in maintaining attention

and plays a key role in keeping you focused on your goals and motivating you to attain them,  You feel good when you work towards and achieve your small and big goals. The satisfaction of completing a small task is linked with a flood of dopamine. Each time your brain feels this rewarding neurotransmitter, it will want you to repeat the associated behavior.

The next time you want to accomplish a big goal, try to break it down into smaller, dopamine-friendly chunks. If you want to work out every day, check off each day that workout on your calendar.


Hack #5 Studies found that another good way to accomplish your goal is to avoid telling other people about them, because letting other people know what you’re up to can give you a premature sense of accomplishing it.

Instead find a way to gamify it, or turn your goals into a competition. Bet on your success this year, setting goals pushes you to invest in them as if you’d already accomplished it. this sets up conditions that drive you to work towards your goal.

This is a great way to fight off the excuses like I’m too busy, I don’t want to spend the money or it isn’t the right time.


When it comes to accomplishing your goals, don’t listen to excuses telling you there’s always something standing in your way, such as money, work, or finding the time. With these Hacks and proper support and accountability, it is possible to push through and feel the dopamine buzz.

Stay consistent, change your environment. You can change your behavior this year. The hardest rep in the gym is always opening the door so just start now. Stephen King  said: “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration—the rest of us just get up and go to work.”


📌 Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you won’t miss out on any newly released videos. Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll be notified when there are new uploads or if there’s a replay available. → http://bit.ly/LisaGChannel


📌 If you are ready to commit and Live with More Confidence, book your free 30-minute health blueprint call with me to help you jump-start your weight loss. →  https://bit.ly/3D22iGA



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